Learning Scottish Gaelic is not about just learning new words - it's about learning a whole new way of thinking.
on you and at you
You don't 'have' a car in Gaelic, but that the car is 'at you' = agad
An car ùr agam = My new car
Similarly some things can be 'on you' = air
Tha deoch air = he is drunk (literally "is drink on him")
Tha deoch mòr oirre = she is very drunk (literally "is drink big on her")
Tha cnatan orm = I have a cold (literally "is cold on me")
Tha eagal oirrn = we are afraid (literally "is fear on us")
Tha mi eolach air = I know him (literally "is me knowledge on him")
Tha an t-acras/pathadh orm = I am hungry/thirsty (literally "ïs hunger/thirst on me)
Tha an dèideadh orra = They have toothache
Tha iongantas ort = You are surprised.
Notice that you change the pronoun he/she in English by changing whether
it's on him/her/I/we/the/you. It seems complicated at first but it will soon make sense after you've had some practice!
Need something?
In Gaelic, the need is "on" you also:
I need (something)
Tha feum agam air (deoch)
Is need at me on (a drink)
I need a drink!